Customer Reviews
Average Rating: 4.9
harpers yard
petite propites is value for money there kits are sublime they stand out not just for N 00 gauge modellers but to the guys who do GN15 16MM G SCALE i emplore you lookat these kits you certainley WILL NOT BE DISSAPOINTED.bruce macfarlane (%10 %b %2018, %08:%Oct)
More please
How I wish that I had known about Petite Properties 5 years ago when I built my layout these wonderful buildings would have populated the entire thing.Bob Ranger (%27 %b %2018, %09:%Feb)
Harper`s Yard
A simple low relief kit, could be enhanced with a hoist next to the upper door. Rustic brick paper enhances the finish.roger giles (%10 %b %2018, %11:%Jan)
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